LIFT Facebook channel launched in November 2017, managed to build a small, but deeply interested community of 237 followers
(as by mid-December 2019), so more than we planned (200 users).
(as by mid-December 2019), so more than we planned (200 users).
About 3.221 people from target groups and stakeholders at local, national and EU level were reached thought
Project Newsletters and nearly 5.529 people thought Project Leaflet.
Project Newsletters and nearly 5.529 people thought Project Leaflet.
Project LIFT was widely disseminated through the dissemination activities carried out during the 25 months of project development.
On November 23, 2019, she hosted the "XX.Csíksomlyó Girl and Woman Meeting" conference, where the Spektrum Education Center organized a workshop for women.
“LIFT: Ladies Code Their Future”: ¡Los socios del proyecto están organizando una serie de eventos multiplicadores en sus países!
Los eventos están organizados como:(1) programas de multiplicación del proyecto LIFT para aumentar la conciencia de las mujeres sobre la importancia de las TIC y la programación como profesión y avanzar hacia la autorrealización y la confianza y
(2) crear sesiones de creación de oportunidades para instituciones de educación de adultos, pymes, ONG y autoridades públicas interesadas en beneficiarse de la transferencia de conocimientos sobre el programa y los materiales de formación de LIFT y también en participar en acciones financiadas por el programa Erasmus +
¡No te pierdas esta gran oportunidad!
The LIFT Multiplier Event in Seville (Spain) to promote the ICT sector as a career opportunity for women, took place yesterday 14th November.
The LIFT e-learning course and the Virtual Video Tour were the most appreciated outcomes!
The LIFT e-learning course and the Virtual Video Tour were the most appreciated outcomes!
The virtual video-tour contains 6 short films introducing successful female IT professionals in different countries and presenting their career and lifestyle.
The product includes texts with resumes of the characters. You are welcome to choose what place to visit, what character to review, or whom’ s resume to read.
The product includes texts with resumes of the characters. You are welcome to choose what place to visit, what character to review, or whom’ s resume to read.
Emotional intelligence and coaching, 2 vital tools for training, especially when working with a group of (disadvantaged) women like we do in LIFT.
Thanks to our trainer Gema Moñino in the session on 24th of October we learned how to apply emotional intelligence and coaching in our own training.
Thanks Gema Moñino for the interesting session.
Thanks to our trainer Gema Moñino in the session on 24th of October we learned how to apply emotional intelligence and coaching in our own training.
Thanks Gema Moñino for the interesting session.